Monday, August 13, 2012

When life just happens...

Whoops, its been a while, months even! So in that time frame much has happened as usual. Since January, I graduated, finally, and have been enjoying some much needed time off to just recharge. In that time, I also have experienced some minor changes as well as some bigger things that I didn't necessarily see coming.

For example, this spring I took a new position with an old company I used to work for that now had me working from home. That was an adjustment. But I like the flexibility and the ability to do my job the way I want to do it without being chained to a cubicle all day long.

I also have really gotten into studying the Word more and what it has to say about well, everything. Earlier this summer I also got to see Kay Arthur at the HBC Women's Conference, that was amazing and life changing and I will never study or read my Bible the same way again. I highly recommend you try your hand at this book and its workbook, its heady, but very very good!

In the midst of all of this, there was nothing on the pregnancy front either, and I mean nothing for almost 7 months since everything went down before. I was starting to lose hope, wondering how I had gone essentially from "fertile Myrtle" to a barren wasteland in a matter of months. Essentially I was really starting to get how Sarah was feeling. However, earlier this month I found out I was pregnant again, however my HCG levels proved to not be doubling as expected and just as last summer, we experienced another early loss.

However, a midst all of this I realized some things about myself and my relationship with God that I hadn't realized before. I have realized that my blind faith that I tend to see as a strength most of the time, was causing me in this instance of loss was making me remove myself out of "faith" so that I didn't have to deal with the reality of really being sanctified. I took some great insight from this other wonderful blog here. In addition, these losses (yes we are now at three) have made me realize how much of a heart I really have for those who have unplanned pregnancies and how important it is for them to have someone to lean on. Also, the amount of knowledge I have gained about being content, I mean really being content in all circumstances has been a huge eye opener.

As the blog I cited earlier states, I always thought of motherhood as an entitlement, something I had "earned" by being a good person and a devout follower. I thought that since I had essentially followed the rules: marriage, abstaining until we were married, going/finishing an advanced degree, saving and spending appropriately, following Jesus, that meant that I should be a mother, that I had "earned" it in a way. This is SO not the case.

Just as in everything else people struggle with in the Christian walk, I have determined that this, regardless of if it is a season in my life or a cross I will bear for as long as I live, that motherhood is a blessing from God that is not guaranteed to everyone. Me being angry or hopeless, or as faithful as I have ever been will not mean that I will be able to get pregnant and carry a baby to term. Only God, in all of this has the power to give and take away that. And despite the losses, and the lessons that are to be learned from each one, which hopefully someday in His presence I will learn the "why," I am just maintaining stillness, and realizing that this kind of faith, the kind that you have to have even when you think you are going to snap right in two because the bending of it hurts like something you've never experienced before in your life...that is the mark of authenticity, and that is when the glory of God and the mercy of Christ is revealed.