Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Lessons Learned from Joshua-Part 1

So I have this habit of jumping around different studies, this summer its really been a hopscotch of sorts around the Word of God. Earlier this summer I started the Beth Moore study, Mercy Triumphs, however I never actually went to the study either because I didn't want to go alone or I had other things that came up. Next I was on to Kay Arthur's Lord I Want to Know You, which was the in depth Hebrew based study on the names of the Lord. Currently I am half way through. Then it was her book on how to study the Bible that I have slowly been working through. Then I stumbled in the OT onto Joshua. Now I have read Genesis through Numbers. I love those books of scripture, most people cringe at the idea of reading the laws and covenants and all of that, I soaked it up and gained so much understanding as to what the atoning sacrifice of Jesus really meant by reading those books. Deuteronomy, on the other hand, I have been putting that one off for a while, it just seems so much more daunting to me. So alas, I figured I've never read Joshua, and you hear enough references to him about the wandering in the wilderness and how he led everyone after Moses died. It was a fascinating book (albeit except for the divisions of land at the end, had to reference a map to visually understand who the heck was getting what.)

After finishing it this morning, I thought it would be useful not only for me to process everything, but to share some tidbits learned from this book. I think its important to really try to understand the OT since without it the New Testament and the life of Christ would not make any sense. 

Now after reading Joshua I realized there are instances of followers in the Bible that actually did what God said to do and they were prosperous because of it. Joshua followed what the Lord said in every circumstance, and the Israelites benefited as a result. It was refreshing to see someone consistently obey and follow the Lord, it was good incentive to do the same since the fruit Joshua had gained was tangible and visible by the time he left the earth.

So essentially, Joshua took over for Moses after he died, and God made it very clear that they were on the same team, "Just as I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will not leave you or forsake you." 1: 5b.

Next, not as a suggestion, but a commandment he, as well as us, are told to "Be strong and courageous." This idea comes up multiple times in the book, three times in chapter 1 alone. so when things are repeated that usually means God means business about it being applicable to your life. I found this to be particularly helpful when life just plain sucks. 

In addition to this, we are to not be scared or dismayed, (v.9), because again God states we are NEVER alone. 

Next post I'll talk about Rahab, she was a rockstar if you ask me. Proof that God can and will use you in any and all circumstances if you let him regardless of who you are and what you have done. Also, that God's purposes will be used through you, even when you will never see them...